Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Our grandmothers often baked cookies is grated and it was very popular with our grandchildren. Now, we have slightly forgotten this recipe. Delicious shortbread cookies with crumbs of dough and a light layer of fruit preserves or jam again winning the hearts, therefore, offer to cook it.


Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

200 g margarine (oil);

100g cream;

1 egg (and can not);

50 g sugar;

a pinch of baking soda;

jam, marmalade or jam for the interlayer.

How to make the dough, cookie crumbs to

Melt margarine. Add sugar. Stir.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Add the sour cream. Loose until uniform.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Stir the flour with a pinch of baking soda.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Roll out the dough. Cut a large rectangle around the perimeter. Trimming put in a bag or plastic wrap, hide in the freezer.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Korzh Apply a thin layer of jam.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

If the cover jam, you need to be careful not to overdo it, that it will flow when baking. Although crisp fruit and caramel crust, like candy, is very tasty, if not will burn.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

to confiscate the dough from the freezer. Passed through a grater, carpeted obtained cake crumb with jam. Cut into smaller portions.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

In the list necessarily lined with parchment paper, if there is no desire to wash the sheet from the possible occurrence of jam. Deposit cookies from a blank sheet will lag easily leaked and jam sticks. Put the grated cookie rows are sent to the oven.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Bake in the oven at temperatures up to 200 ° C, cookies must be good "dry". Under jam, cake well baked through, and does not contain a wet layer.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.

Little acquired a beautiful golden color, you can decorate it with a little powdered sugar and turn out sweet and sour delicious treat.

Shortbread cookies with jam and crumbs from the test - how to cook biscuits with crumbs on top, step by step recipe shredded pastry with photos.