Easter eggs, how to make an Easter egg - the best gift for Easter with their hands

Easter has always been a symbol of universal love, boundless kindness, warmth and sunlight. According to tradition, this celebration was made to accept and to visit relatives, to give each other gifts, cards, "Christ." According to custom, it was necessary to treat not only friends and relatives, but also any stranger looked into the house, do not let go empty-handed. And it just so happened that in this great holiday, the best gift painted steel or painted with a variety of intricate patterns and eggs, because they have always been considered a symbol of new life. And the hostess for the Easter days of placing them in large quantities.

Easter eggs, how to make an Easter egg - the best gift for Easter with their hands

Why and why Easter eggs painted

According to ancient belief, Mary Magdalene came to the Emperor to announce the resurrection of Christ, brought him as a gift egg. Tiberius did not believe subjects and said that most white egg changes color to red, than he would believe in the resurrection. And the egg in the emperor's hands, this minute red. Some believe that it just, beautiful symbolism of Easter and another legend, but in spite of that, from that time till nowadays, krashanka or Easter egg - this is the most coveted Easter gift. And the Catholic and the Orthodox Church Easter egg, a long time, according to an essential attribute of Easter.

Easter eggs, how to make an Easter egg - the best gift for Easter with their hands

What color eggs for Easter

By a holiday, hostess often painted eggs. It is very rare for a painting or painting with various ornaments used the eggs of ducks or geese. If you plan to paint or to paint Easter eggs of waterfowl, in order to avoid contamination of salmonella cook them need at least half an hour. Shorten, colored eggs called simply krashanki and eggs with painted ornaments - Eggs.

What color paint eggs

Earlier Easter eggs painted mainly in red, symbolizing the blood of Jesus shed. But later it became more colors, and each color had its own value: blue and green gave - kiddies; Red - the boys and girls; hosts receiving guests - yellow for wealth and a large crop. Now, when the industry produces a lot of different colors, which only the colors do not use the hostess, to color eggs for Easter: bright yellow, turquoise, coral, purple, orange ... The only unwritten rule - in the light of Christ's Resurrection nobody paint eggs in dark and dark colors. Although, nevertheless, eggs intended for older relatives, sprayed in a rich and vibrant colors.

Easter eggs, how to make an Easter egg - the best gift for Easter with their hands

When the color eggs for Easter

Christian tradition has it that the painting and the painting of eggs need to be engaged on Maundy Thursday. On this day, the owner had to swim prime. Then, to restore the purity in his house and only then can you make the dough into cakes, cook the curd Easter and color eggs. If you have time to do everything, the whole year, every dirt will bounce off the whole family.