Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

New potatoes, in my opinion, as it is not ready; always get tender and tasty. But some housewives do not like to clean it the young potatoes. I have a very simple recipe for how to bake multivarka small young potatoes directly in the skin. Baked potatoes in this my recipe with sour cream and flavored with garlic and dill. This filling gives this dish a little tenderness and poignancy. Well, let's go to cook?

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes


• Young potatoes - 700 grams;

• sour cream - 200 g;

• Garlic - 2 small head;

• Dill - a small beam;

• Salt - 1/2 tsp .;.

• Vegetable oil - 30 ml.

How to cook new potatoes in multivarka

Potatoes for this recipe, choose small, and it is desirable that the tubers were roughly the same size. Then they are evenly browned and then propekutsya.

And so, my potatoes properly and obsushivayut it with a paper towel or linen napkin.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

Then, in the bowl Multivarki pour sunflower oil, spread to the potatoes.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

In the mode "frying", stirring silicone spatula or turning with tongs, fry the potatoes until golden brown.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

So ​​far, fried potatoes, we can prepare the cream sauce. To do this, the sour cream mixed with purified and forced through a press garlic cloves and salt.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

After the potatoes have appeared beautiful golden crust, we fill it with prepared cream sauce.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

include a program of "baking" or "quenching" for 60 minutes. And look how yummy it turns out ...

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

So far, baked potatoes, we need to wash the fennel, remove coarse stems and delicate sprigs of dill finely chop with a knife.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

The finished baked new potatoes, served a la carte. Do not forget to feed generously sprinkle the dish with fragrant chopped dill.

Young potatoes in multivarka with sour cream, dill and garlic - step by step recipe with photos as delicious to cook new potatoes

Potatoes although young, but quite rich and it is appropriate to file a salad of any fresh vegetables, for example, in my photo - of the cabbage and cucumbers.

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