Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Soup Burgers is one of the easiest to prepare soups. But from the ease of preparation, it does not become less tasty. In his recipes, minced for meatballs I add the semolina. It gives them a special semolina delicate texture. Hostess, try to find half an hour of free time to cook this delicious homemade soup with meatballs. Recipe is accompanied by steps to make a photo.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Ingredients for 6 servings of soup:

• minced pig-beef - 300 grams;

• Semolina - 2 tbsp. l .;

• Potatoes - 4 pcs .;

• Garlic - 1-2 cloves;

• onion - 1 large or 3 small onions;

• Carrots - 1 pc .;

• lean oil - 2-3 tbsp. lodges;

• salt - to taste;

• bay leaf - 1-2 pc.

How to cook soup with meatballs

First we need to add in minced meat semolina, a little salt it and mix well.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Stuffing his hands in the form loaf and leave to swell grains for fifteen minutes.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

During this time, I usually have time to prepare zazharku and cut potatoes for soup. And so, for zazharki we clean and grind the garlic, carrots and onions.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

As you can see in my photos, carrot, this time, I do not grate and cut lengthwise and chop polukolechkami. Onions cut as usual on zazharku. Garlic, too much grind did not. Zubochek cut into four pieces along, and then the knife sliced ​​into thinner plates. Sliced ​​vegetables in a fry pan with vegetable oil.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Next, the potatoes, as well as other first courses, I peel and cut into slices.

During this time, in the semolina stuffing properly, swollen and we can start forming meatballs themselves.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Do I have them, usually the size of a large walnut. Hands a little bit better to moisten with water, that would be stuck in the ground beef. Break away from the big Bun minced pieces of approximately equal size and hands roll off of them the ball. While meatballs are building, you can put a pot of water for soup on the fire.

When the water boils it is necessary to salt, and then throwing arms in boiling water for a few meat balls.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

When all of them will be in the pot, they need to be carefully with a slotted spoon to lift from the bottom. Meatballs should be cooked over low heat, covered for ten minutes.

Then, we add the potatoes to the soup and cook it until tender.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

In the end add to the soup zazharku and put a bay leaf.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Please be advised once again the pan to a boil - and all the soup, we ready.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

Another hot delicious homemade soup with meatballs spill on plates, give a little cool.

Soup with meatballs of minced meat and semolina - how to cook soup and meatballs - a step by step recipe photos

And consumers can be even, and not to call for dinner. Hearing the alluring flavor of the soup, they come running to the kitchen.