Classic red borscht with beet and meat - how to cook soup - a step by step recipe with photo Ukrainian borsch
About the fact that the classic Ukrainian borsch, cooked with beets and meat, it is a very tasty first course, for sure, everyone knows. But knowing how many components it includes, not everyone takes his cooking. But cook it at all, it is not difficult. The main thing is to choose the right recipe. There are lots of ways of cooking: with the addition of various vegetables, broth or even kvass. Prepare classic Ukrainian borsch, it is called red. Incrementally captured photos to better understand how and what is happening in the cooking process.
2-3 pork ribs;
2 large potatoes;
1-2 beet;
1 carrot;
1 tbsp. spoon of salt;
1 tbsp. Spoon tomato paste;
1/2 of cabbage.
How to cook a classic red borscht
Starting to cook, just put the water in the broth.
In parallel, in a separate pan, put the boil beets in their skins. Typically, 1 beets cooked separately, and the second, fried carrots and onions. If you need a very rich burgundy color, then you need all the beets cook separately.
The water began to boil - omit the meat and tormented on a small fire. Foam remove with a slotted spoon, get a nice broth.
While the broth is cooked, you need to prepare zazharku. Chops onions. Beets and carrots passed through a large grater.
Vegetable trio fry in oil, add the tomato.
The purified legalize potato cubes.
shinkuem cabbage.
In the broth add potatoes and followed zazharku.
Boil 10 minutes, add the cabbage. Season with salt / pepper.
Vegetables should not be hard or crisp. Their willingness to check tingling knife. During the cooking time beet color digested. The photo above shows that at this stage soup becomes red, but more carrot color.
To obtain the desired red, boiled beets to clean, grind grated or thinly-sliced thinly. As you can see, I rubbed.
Add to the soup. Boil less than a minute.
You can add a little pepper.
When the classic Ukrainian borscht is ready, he needs to let it stand at least 30 minutes with the lid closed.
When you open the lid, you will feel incredibly alluring fragrance that inexorably and flood the brain and stomach. At this point, there is nothing like a quick take a spoon with a plate and a jar of cold cream, without which the soup is not soup.
We sit down at the table and enjoy the unique taste of the unique first course. Bon Appetit.