Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

By following this simple recipe, every housewife will be able to quickly and easily prepare delicious, crunchy and sharp little salted cucumbers with garlic and herbs. Salting cucumbers takes place by dry-salting a conventional plastic bag. The main advantage of this rapid cooking recipe that cucumbers have time to soak up the fine salt and flavors - just half an hour. This, of course, not in 5 minutes, but still very fast. Steps taken photo to help those who make such a delicious summer snack for the first time.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo


• cucumbers - 700 g;

• salt grinding medium - 50 g;

• Parsley - 30 g;

• Dill - 30 g;

• Garlic - 1 medium head.

How to cook salted cucumbers in a package

Cucumbers for pickling try to choose fresh (not podvyavshie) the average size and always with pimples. smooth cucumber varieties are too watery and salting will melt soft, not crispy.

Since salt, cucumbers add up in a deep bowl, fill it with cold water and thoroughly washes away dirt from his hands.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

The water after washing and merge again fill cucumber cold, clean water. Cucumbers need to stand in water for half an hour. This is done to ensure that in lightly salted as they were more crispy.

After time merge water from cucumber cut off ends and each cut into four parts cucumber. Little can be cut in half.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

head of garlic peeled and finely shinkuem with a sharp knife.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

Dill need to wash and chop finely with a knife is not very green with stems.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

Similarly we proceed with parsley: rinsed under cold water beam and cut it without separating the leaves from the stems.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

Then, garlic, parsley and dill in a bowl and add up rapidly crumble green hands.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

It must be done so that they let the juice, which will soak in pickling cucumbers our.

Sliced ​​cucumbers sprinkled with salt, stir, add the herbs, garlic and stir again.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

Now, it remains to put them in a regular plastic bag and put it in the sun (I put on the windowsill) for half an hour. Under the preform is required to substitute a plate or a bowl, as in pickling cucumber juice will be released, and the package may not be noticeable to the eye hole.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

After a thirty-minute salting cucumbers are fully ready for use. We shift them in a glass jar with precipitated juice. Cover with a nylon cover and remove in the refrigerator or stand on the table for dinner.

Crunchy salted cucumbers in a package - how to quickly make salted cucumbers, recipe with photo

Keep quick-salted pickles, cooked with garlic and herbs can be not more than a week in the refrigerator. But, to be honest, more than a day, we have such a delicious crunchy salted cucumbers do not linger.