Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Muffins recipe that I propose to prepare a very simple and does not just come to my aid when you want to pamper their pet delicious pastries and it must be done quickly. After free time, as usual, not enough. And another advantage of this baking is that in addition to the fact that the dough is cooked very quickly, so still and products for its implementation will require the most simple.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

, we need to test:

• margarine - 125 g;

• Eggs - 2 pcs .;

• kefir - 200 ml;

• sugar - 200 grams;

• soda - 1/2 tsp .;.

• vinegar - 1 tbsp. boxes .;

• meal - 200-250 grams.

For the glaze:

• powdered sugar - 150 grams;

• water - 1 tbsp. boxes .;

• walnuts (shelled) - 100 grams.

How to cook muffins in the oven

Starting to cook, you need to melt the margarine. To do this, simply transfer it into a metal dish (mine is a bucket of aluminum) and on low heat, stirring constantly, drown, but do not let boil.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Next, in a deep container, pour yogurt, pour the sugar, eggs, margarine and mix the ingredients until smooth. Then, add to the dough baking soda slaked vinegar and stir again.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Wait till five minutes to a mixture of vinegar and baking soda react with the other components. Subsequently, this reaction will give our homemade muffins splendor.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Finally, in small portions with vigorous stirring, add the flour. I draw your attention to the point that when you add the flour, it is not always the same number of leaves. Therefore, when mixing the dough you need to focus on its consistency. It should be of medium thickness (as pancakes). Steps taken photo to help better understand this point.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

The finished dough we spill in silicone molds so that it took no more than half of the form.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Put the mold onto the sheet and put on a small fire baked in the preheated oven for approximately 20-30 minutes.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Ready muffins can be checked simply by piercing them with a toothpick. Well-baked dough should not stick to it.

In the meantime, they are baked, we will have time to prepare Topping and Glaze. To prepare the topping nuts, we need to lightly fry in a pan.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Then, pour on a chopping board and crush them with a rolling pin.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

To prepare the glaze, in hot water simply dissolve the powdered sugar.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

The finished cakes first lubricates the glaze, then sprinkle with crushed nuts.

Quick and delicious cakes in tins, on yogurt and soda - how to bake muffins in the oven, a simple recipe and step by step photo

Our homemade muffins, which prepare, as you can see, snap, turn the air and very tasty. But there are also a small flaw, very much eaten quickly. ????

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