Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

The modern pace of life, sometimes makes cooking for a family dinner at a fast pace in haste. In this case the hostess fried cutlets of semifinished products and garnish served on pasta, rice or buckwheat. To flavor garnish, I propose to make a quick and tasty gravy sauce, with tomato paste in a microwave oven. My recipe with step by step captured image will tell you how not to lose sight of a single stage of the preparation.

How to cook tomato sauce in the microwave

To make a delicious sauce, we need carrots and onions.

Carrots clean, and three on a fine grater. For the sauce, we take only part of the cut - 1 tablespoon. The rest can be put into a clean plastic bag and freeze. Later freezing can be used in the preparation of other dishes.

Onions clean and cut into small cubes. It we need 1, 5 tablespoons. With the remnants can be analogous as well as carrots.

Fold vegetables in a container volume of about 0, 5 liters. This can be a ceramic cup or any other utensils, suitable for microwave oven.


Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Add 1 spoon of cooking oil and mix the contents of the plate. We put it in the microwave for 2 minutes, setting this maximum power.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

After the specified time we see here is a picture.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Add 1 tablespoon of flour (no slides).

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Mix up until the lumps of flour will not cover the vegetables evenly. And then sent to the oven for another 1 minute.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

To zazharki now need to add the tomato paste. Put the plate 2 table spoons product.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

The last step water is added to 200-250 ml, salt and various spices to taste. Thoroughly mix the contents.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Put the container in the microwave and turn the maximum mode for 6 minutes. The sauce will foam at the edges of the plates. So that it thickens evenly, it is necessary to stir the dish each time with 1 minute interval.

After the beep of a microwave cooking is finished, give the sauce a few minutes to stand still in an oven to completely stop the cooking process.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Ready tomato sauce, cooked in the microwave, add to any side dish.

Quick-gravy sauce with tomato paste in a microwave - how to cook tomato sauce, gravy in a microwave oven, a step by step recipe photos

Such a quick tomato sauce help to diversify any side dish, make it extremely tasty. Thus, changing the composition and amount of spices can be different each time to achieve taste.

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