Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

New Year's weight loss diet Six petals are very simple and straightforward. We are encouraged to include in their menu each day only one product, and today on the agenda of Fish Day. I note only that this is the first day on which begins the diet.

The fish day consume any fish in an amount of 300-500 grams, but to cook the fish can only dietetically correct ways: boiled, stewed, baked. No salting, smoking and frying! Permissible use of greenery, small amounts of seasonings and a little salt.

Naked Fish with nothing - it is, at least, sadly. Our aim is to make this poor lonely fish tasty and attractive, at the level of restaurant specialties.

Very good fish days are obtained from low-cost salmon, such as chum or pink salmon, but you can choose another fish. Purchases fish, thoroughly rinsed in cold water and cut into fillets pure. If the fish has a head, remove the eyes and gills. Were weighed 300-350 g fillet, pack and ship the rest in the freezer "for later".

Will be ready in decent homes ???? : And the first and second courses.

At first we cook soup diet.

We will need basic "bouillon" set (onions, carrots, celery, white roots), fish fillets, waste from thinning - bones, fins, skin. From parsley otschipnem tender leaves, which will be useful when applying and coarse stems go into the broth for flavor.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

The cold water put coarsely chopped vegetables, bring to the boil and cook for 10-15 minutes under the lid.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

Fillet divided by the first and second: small stripes go to the ear, and the two pieces of larger - on the second.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

vegetables become soft, given its flavor the broth, while throwing "fish scraps." Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil, transfer into a small fire and cook for 5-10 minutes.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

We continue to fill the broth flavors: add black pepper, bay leaf and parsley stems. We give simmer for another 3-5 minutes.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

A fragrant fish broth is ready, it is necessary to drain and return to pan. If the bones and fins was meat in appreciable quantities, it can be neatly separated and also put into the broth.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

When the broth boils, drop the pieces to a fish fillet, we are allowed to fish soup, bring to a boil and cook, covered no more than 5 minutes. Ear, almost ready. It left its salt, sprinkle with freshly ground pepper blend and flavor of fresh or frozen dill. Turn off the fire, cover pan with a lid. While we will prepare a dish to serve, ear configure themselves and acquire full flavor.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

Already in the ear plate and sprinkle with green onion and parsley, you can still add a little pepper and a slice of lemon squeezed. Lemon did not eat, but it is here necessary for the harmonization of tastes and smells. Fragrant ear is ready, and we did not go beyond the limits of dietary restrictions, but they were extremely tasty and delicious dish with a rich full flavor.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day


turn to the second course dishes for our fish of the day.

We will need the remaining two pieces of fillet, salt, pepper, stemmed celery, dried root parsley, lemon and foil.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

torn off a piece of foil and lay in the middle spicy "cushion" of celery and parsley.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

On a piece of vegetables lay the fish, sprinkle it with lemon juice, salt, pepper. On top of the fish, you can also put some spicy grass or vegetable - on request.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

seasoned fillets carefully wrapped in foil seam up - not to lose a single drop of precious tasty juice.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

Cook will be a couple of no more than 20 minutes.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

Celery and parsley gave the fish its flavor, the more we are not handy.

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

On a plate lay out a piece of fish fillet, pour the broth fragrant formed and garnishing green celery and green onions. And again, all dietary requirements are met (except fish - only spices, herbs and a little salt), but also the second fish dish turned out so tasty and fragrant, it can only be for him to sit on a diet! ????

Diet Six petals on the menu every day - fish day

And, of course, do not forget to fill your fish day drinking. It can be pure drinking water and not sweet herbal teas.

Going to sleep, remember that tomorrow you will find the second day of the diet for weight loss - a delightful, full of vitamins Vegetable day. ????