Layered salad of beets with goat cheese and garlic - how to make a salad of beets layers, a step by step recipe photos

Do you want to make a note of freshness and olive extravagance in the regular dinner or a festive meal? Then layered salad of juicy and tender boiled beets with goat cheese is an ideal choice. The harmonious combination of sour milk and vegetable components are merged into a single symphony of taste, complementing the meat and fish dishes. How to cook a tasty salad of beets I will tell in his recipe and show steps to make a photo.


  • 1 large beetroot;
  • 250 grams of goat cheese;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1 celery stalk;
  • or 1/4 parsley cilantro (leaves);
  • 2 teaspoons of sunflower seeds (roasted).;
  • .

  • 1 tsp white sesame seeds;
  • 1/4 h. Tablespoons fine sea salt.

For the filling:

  • 1 pinch of cumin;
  • 2 slide of black pepper;
  • 1 pinch of salt;
  • chili pepper on the tip of a knife;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons fresh lemon juice;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons olive oil EV;
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh pomegranate juice.;
  • 20-25 pomegranate seeds to decorate the salad.

How to prepare a salad of beets and goat cheese layers

Fresh beets boil until tender. Clear the peel under cold running water. Then, cut it into large chunks round, let it lie, and is cooled. Goat cheese mash with a fork in the salad bowl. We burst through chesnokodavku garlic and combine with cheese.

Then, finely shinkuem celery, coriander leaves (parsley) and pour them into the cheese mass.

Now, add the sunflower seeds and sesame seeds. All curd mix well.

Layered salad of beets with goat cheese and garlic - how to make a salad of beets layers, a step by step recipe photos

The main components of beet salad are ready, it remains only to make a salad dressing.

Pour into a mortar cumin, salt, chili pepper, peas and triturated them to a single homogeneous structure. Now, pour fresh pomegranate and lemon juice, olive oil. All mixed in a mortar.

Layered salad of beets with goat cheese and garlic - how to make a salad of beets layers, a step by step recipe photos

Then came the final stage, you need to properly collect salad layers.

The first layer we put a slice of beet in the center of a serving plate.

Then, we allocate a small amount of beet goat cheese and pour dressing (1 hr. Spoon).

Repeat the same procedure with two more layers. There should be three layers.

Sprinkle with pomegranate seeds and decorate with fresh green leaves.

Layered salad of beets with goat cheese and garlic - how to make a salad of beets layers, a step by step recipe photos

Our unusual layered salad of beets and goat cheese is ready. This original mini-salad can be served as a la carte, as well as in a common dish.