Homemade dough Philo - how to make phyllo dough at home, step by step recipe photos

Filo dough ready, you can simply buy in the supermarket, but how expensive it is there. But if you do not want to give him so much money, you can just make a dough at home in the kitchen. Filo dough is also called exhaust, since rolling out its very carefully pulling apart by hand. Such exhaust dough can be prepared for use immediately or freeze to it the right moment to defrost and use. The detailed description of the recipe I've told all the important points and showed them step by step in the photo, so you can seamlessly pull and roll their homemade phyllo dough.


  • 0, 5 kg of wheat flour / s (or 3 cups of 250 ml);
  • 1 cup of warm drinking water 35 ° -38 °;
  • .

  • 1 teaspoon fine sea salt;
  • 6 tablespoons. spoons vegetable oil;
  • butter 72% for promazyvaniya test.

How to make phyllo dough at home

Making the dough begin with the fact that the working surface sift the flour with the salt and make a small indentation on the middle,. Pour half a glass of water, then, water and oil residue. Knead the dough. The amount of water may vary depending on the flour quality. If the dough is too steep, it is necessary to add a little water. Code dough formed into a lump, it is necessary to beat off several times on the table for 2-3 minutes. Thereafter, we wrap it in several layers of an edible film, so as to cover all the openings, or place it in a tight plastic bag without holes and drop into a bowl of warm water (40 ° C) up hole. Because we maintain the dough for 10 minutes in warm water.

Homemade dough Philo - how to make phyllo dough at home, step by step recipe photos

The finished dough divide into pieces and begin to roll it lightly pulling. Tear the dough can not be, so we have to work with him very gently and carefully. Roll it is necessary in the formation of not more than 1 mm thick. Dough should show through after rolling.

Homemade dough Philo - how to make phyllo dough at home, step by step recipe photos

Crop rough edges with a knife for pizza. Roll out a layer put on an equal surface and cover with a damp towel so it does not withered away, or grease with melted butter, if we cook it immediately without freezing. Starting the second rolling out dough piece. Each layer of the rolled dough put on a previous or cover with a wet towel or lubricate it with oil.

Homemade dough Philo - how to make phyllo dough at home, step by step recipe photos

You can roll out all the pieces of dough, put them on top of each other, and then trim the rough edges. Then you will turn all the layers of the same size.

Homemade dough Philo - how to make phyllo dough at home, step by step recipe photos

From such a home test Filo later can bake wonderful strudel, baklava, lasagne or just cakes.

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