Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

On a festive Christmas meal the most important meal - it is a rich Christmas kutya. It is with this delicious tasting ritual meals and begins the celebration of Christmas. Rich - such kutyu named because she is preparing several components. The dish turns out rich, delicious and flavorful. With pleasure I want to tell kulinarka how to cook in multivarka very tasty Christmas Pudding with wheat on uzvar with poppy seeds, raisins and honey. Described steps and decorated photos recipe will reveal all the subtleties and secrets of preparing this ritual meals.


Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos
  • Wheat - 200g;
  • Poppy - 120 g;
  • Raisins - 150 g;
  • Sugar - 50 g;
  • Honey - 100g;
  • Prune - 70 g;
  • Dried apricots - 100 grams.

How to cook kutyu of wheat for Christmas multivarka

To wheat for Christmas kuti quickly cooked, better to buy in the store a special polished wholegrain wheat. Poppy seeds be sure to try the taste that they were not rotten or rancid otherwise you can ruin the dish.

Dried apricots and prunes, we need to Uzvara, but if you wish, you can cook uzvar from any other dried fruit to your taste.

So first we need to wheat rinse under cold running water.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

pours it into multivarku, pour 400 ml of water and boil mode "porridge" for forty minutes.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Here we have this turned out crumbly wheat for kuti. Multivarka we still need to prepare Uzvara, therefore, shift the wheat immediately into another container.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

The bowl Multivarki put prunes and dried apricots, add 300 ml of water and preparing uzvar twenty minutes in a "soup" mode.

Then, we need uzvar strain through a sieve, the fruit does not need to be disposed of Uzvara.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

In uzvar itself while it is still hot (but not boiling), add honey.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Raisins kutyu before adding to the need to sort, wash and pour boiling water for fifteen minutes.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

In the meantime, we will deal preparation poppy. Poppy seed fill with water, which would completely cover, bring to the boil and stirring occasionally, cook ten to fifteen minutes on medium heat.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Then, the remaining water with a poppy filter through a sieve and washed with cold water poppy.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Then poppy and sugar to break through a blender.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Apricots, which we got from Uzvara, cut into pieces in size, roughly, like raisins.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Prunes from Uzvara if desired, can also be cut and add in kutyu.

In a bowl add the poppy with wheat, raisins, dried apricots and stir.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Then kutia of wheat poured uzvar.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

Here we have got a beautiful, fragrant and delicious rich Christmas kutya wheat.

Christmas kutya of wheat multivarka - how to brew kutyu of wheat at Christmas, a step by step recipe photos

We put our holiday ritual meals, the most important of 12 Christmas dishes, at the head table. By tradition, the landlord should read the prayer, enjoy Christmas kutyu first, and then offer to treat ourselves this dish his household and guests.