Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

Fragrant pumpkin in our family is respected not only cooked but also fresh. We love pumpkin salads. Raw pumpkin has a lot more vitamins and nutrients than produce affected by heat treatment. Especially successful, in my opinion, it turns out dishes with fresh fruits and vegetables. An example of this, a delicious salad of raw pumpkin and cucumber. He prepares very quickly, literally in the two accounts, so your loved ones will not have to wait long for a light vegetable snack. And I offer you to cook this tasty and healthy vitamin salad, simply repeat my simple, step by step recipe decorated with photos. Products will need a minimum amount.

salad Base:

  • fresh pumpkin - 250 grams;
  • cucumber - 250 grams;
  • green onions - a small bunch.
Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

For the filling:

  • mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • mustard - 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste.

How to prepare a salad of pumpkin and cucumber

My pumpkin and clean off a tough rind. Now, the flesh from the melon aroma need to grate. I use a grater for Korean carrot with an average cross-section. You can, of course, used ordinary grater, but then the salad is not very priglyadnym look and cucumber juice will give a lot more.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

Gherkin and obsushivayut my towel. Shinkuem it in the same way as the raw pumpkin. Peel clean off with green vegetables do not need to.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

By the cutting, also add green onion, crushed wheels. It can be put in salads and other herbs to taste. For example, chopped fresh parsley and dill in a positive way will change the taste of lettuce. It so happens that I have at hand there was only the onion.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

Well, everything remains just fill lettuce mayonnaise-mustard sauce and salt to taste.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

The sauce for the salad can be prepared separately, just mix all the ingredients. But I received it even easier: added to the vegetables all the ingredients separately and mix with vegetables.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

vitamin salad get enough juicy.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

The taste of pumpkin, in this version, is reminiscent of fresh carrot, but the density is much softer and softer.

Salad of pumpkin and cucumber with mustard sauce - how to prepare a salad with pumpkin and cucumber, with a step by step recipe photos

From raw pumpkin can also cook diet salad with sweet apple and raisins, which will perfectly complement the diet of people who want to improve the figure for the summer season. ???? I hope that you will like my simple recipes for tasty, healthy and light salads from vegetables.

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