Delicious chicken stuffing - how to cook a chicken filling, step by step recipe photos
Today, I will share my favorite recipe for stuffed chicken, which is cooked with lots of spices in olive oil. Such meat may not only serve as a stuffing for pizza, shawarma, puffs, pies and other pastries, but also complement any garnish. Depending on the type of baking, you can adjust the cooking time. If shawarma, the chicken until golden filling is ready; and if the pizza or pie, then until half, after all, there is still a heat treatment will be. I share a recipe that is illustrated step by step photos.
So, we need:
- chicken - 250 grams;
- turmeric - 1/3 tsp;.
- olive oil - 1 tbsp. a spoon;
. - sea salt - 1 tsp;
- coriander - 1/3 tsp;.
- a mixture of peppers - 1/3 tsp;.
- water - 1 tbsp. a spoon.
How to cook a chicken filling for pies, pancakes, pizza, shawarma
For this dish will suit chicken chilled or frozen. I had a piece of frozen meat, which is necessary to defrost in cold water or in a microwave oven before cooking. Cut into pieces of about 1-1, 5 cm in diameter.
pan heat, add the olive oil and odorless. Pour the fillets and fry over medium heat. Sprinkle sea salt (normal salt can be used if no maritime), turmeric, mixture of peppers and coriander. All the spices used in the form of a hammer. If the meat has been frozen, it will begin to excrete water. In that case, add additional water is not necessary. But to the chilled chicken fillets need to add some water to boil for some good meat. The water should be boiled and preferably hot.
Fry the meat until the water has evaporated over low heat, and fillet pieces will get pleasant golden. If you cook the meat pizza, then fry for about five minutes is enough. The rest will become rosy meat in the oven.
Ready spicy chicken left in the pan to cool and infuse.
Serve the meat can be to any side dishes. I often cook it for filling in the shawarma. My favorite shawarma with spicy chicken meat, mushrooms, vegetables and sauce.
This gives a spicy chicken dish incredible taste and aroma.
Take a note on my simple photo-recipe chicken filling. Cook with pleasure for himself and his family. Good appetite!