A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

In Russia, the bread has long been considered a gift from God. Therefore, homemade bread baking, I think a certain rite, even if my assistant bakes bread maker. In my culinary piggy there are many recipes for delicious bread in the bread maker. Today I want to tell kulinarka how to cook bread in the bread maker on tomato marinade. He turns fragrant, rosy and delicious. Step by step recipe described with photos and will help you to quickly and easily prepare in the bread maker delicious bread at home.


A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos
  • marinade tomato - 250 ml;
  • salt - 1/2 tsp .;.
  • sugar - 5 g;
  • yeast suhie- 10 g;
  • butter - 30 g;
  • wheat flour - 600 gr.

How to bake bread in the bread maker on tomato marinade

Probably every woman knows that before the flour used for baking it must sift through a sieve. The very process of sifting I photographed for this photo I have meal after I had it "shall be filled" with oxygen and get rid of the small particles of litter, just to sift through a fine sieve.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

The tomato marinade can get small pieces of garlic, or any other spices, so to knead the dough better marinade strain through a sieve or cheesecloth.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

baking bread in the bread maker, is very important to observe the order of bookmarks products.

First, in pail pour the strained tomato marinade. Pour the marinade on top of the flour. In doing flour teaspoon four small crescent. In each recess is put on one of the remaining ingredients of the recipe, namely: salt, sugar, butter (margarine can), and dry yeast.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

I bake bread on tomato marinade is usually on the very simple program the bread maker. I have this program called "primary" and is designed for three hours.

In my bread machine it is still possible to choose the degree of baked bread crust. This time I chose a crust of number 2. According to the description from the manufacturer, the crust from baking should get a moderate crispy.

Immediately after starting the breadmaker program with a special spatula on the bottom vederka begins to actively stir all ingredients. This is a photo I took at the beginning of the batch.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

This is such a beautiful kolobochek "grows" in the bread machine after a full cycle of the batch.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

Before the start of baking (50 minutes before the end of the program), you can lubricate the top of the bread with egg white, or just sprinkle some water and any spices to your taste. This time I'm using a cooking brush top of bread slightly soaked with water and sprinkle it with coarse salt.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

After completion of the baking, if you want a crust of bread turned out crisp, you should still hot loaf of bread drawn from the bucket and place the bread machine to cool down on the stand as I have pictured. I'm your hlebushek cooled on a metal stand for grilling.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

For lovers myagonkoy bread crust, warm loaf is better to wrap until cool in a towel.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

The enticing aroma of fresh homemade bread soars throughout the apartment and my household, often do not have time to wait until it cools down. Bread in the bread maker on tomato marinade is so delicious that they are happy to eat fragrant, crispy and very tasty loaf still hot.

A simple recipe for homemade bread on tomato marinade - how to bake bread in the bread maker at home, step by step recipe photos

Typically, after the "invasion" of his household, I immediately put the second baked loaf of bread in a tomato pickle. Just from the first is a maximum of a couple of pieces. ????

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