Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

Easy - it is an ideal product for the adherents of a healthy diet. From it you can cook a lot of fantastically tasty dishes to suit practically any garnish. In addition, the by-product contains a minimum amount of fat and is suitable for people who are fond of different diets. This is why dishes made from it, adore everything. Today cook pork lung stew with herbs. Step by step recipe decorated with photos show how to cook pork lungs, to the finished dish turned out delicious.

We need the following products:

  • pig lungs - 1 kg;
  • water - 0, 5 l;
  • Dried herbs (coriander, saffron, basil, dill) - 1 tsp .;.
  • salt - 0, 5 h .; l.
  • large onion - on request.

How to cook a tasty pork stew easy

First, you need to prepare a by-product. For this purpose, well wash in cold water. Cut plenochku.

Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

Easy to cut into small pieces. Remember that this by-product is very soft, so not so easy to cope with the task. The knife must be very sharp.

Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

The pieces easily fold into the pan and cover with water. Simmer the dish to a minimum heat to evaporate the liquid. When the water remains quite a bit, pour into the pan vegetable oil, and throw salt and herbs. If desired, you can also add chopped onion.

Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

Brown the pieces of the lung in a pan on all sides.

Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

That's all. Easy with herbs ready. Serve it can with any garnish. To appetizing dish look, sprinkle with chopped herbs before serving.

Pork lungs stewed with herbs - how to cook pork lungs properly, step by step recipe photos

Easy, prepared according to this simple recipe is suitable for virtually any side dish. The price of this by-product is low, but the dish turns out very fragrant and appetizing. That's why you can cook if you want, literally, on a daily basis.