Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Not every woman wants to communicate with beef, t. To. It is far, difficult meats. But, if properly prepared, it is possible to get a delicious dish. I, too, often avoided such meat, but to learn a simple recipe, I decided to try. And I do not regret. Beef pot came out very soft, juicy and very, spicy. Now you propose a simple recipe with step by step to make a photo. He performed easily, but requires a lot of time. The whole process will take you about 3 hours. Be prepared to not to leave at this time out of the house.


Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos
  • 600 g of beef or veal;
  • 6 large onions;
  • 200 g of sour cream;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • 1 teaspoon of flour;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 teaspoons of salt.

How to cook beef in the pot in the oven

Since cook immediately undertake the meat. We carve it into small wedges. Naturally, remove veins, films and other unnecessary items to us.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

We divide the resulting number by 3 brusochkov pot. In each pour one spoonful oil and pour salt. Its amount should be half a teaspoon of salt in a pot. Mix and tamp slightly.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Prepare the onions. It should be cut into very large.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Divide the onions into 3 parts, and fall asleep in each pot.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Bring the oven temperature to 180 degrees. Cover pots and place them in the oven. Beef stew in the pot should be so 2 hour. After this time, create a sauce - combine flour, sour cream, mustard and remaining salt.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Take the pots, open the cover. You already see the browned onions.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Fill each container by the third part of our sauce.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Send back in the oven and keep there for another half hour. Remove and let cool. Beef in pots with sour cream gives a very soft, and on top of it formed delicate sour cream crust.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

So, without much difficulty, preparing surprisingly delicious beef in the pot in the oven.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

The recipe is perfect for dinner as well, this dish can be a major on any holiday table.

Beef in a pot in the oven - how to put out the beef in a pot, with a step by step recipe photos

Serve it can with any side dish and fragrant white bread slices. Meat will surprise you with its softness and onion and sour cream pillow will give an extraordinary richness and piquancy. Eat with gusto and raduyte their home!