Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Pork chops do not need advertising. This dish is known and loved by millions of people. But preparing pork chops with cheese batter, you surprise all guests. Flavorful juicy meat under cheese crust becomes golden corona dish on your holiday table. Using my step by step recipe decorated with the photos you will be able to easily fry them yourself.

The ingredients needed to prepare meals:

  • Pork neck - 1 kg;
  • eggs - 4 pieces;
  • Cheese - 100 g;
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. l .;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • yogurt - if desired.

How to cook a tasty pork chops with cheese batter in the pan

First of all, you need to prepare pork. Meat wash and cut into thin plates. The thickness of such a plate should not exceed 1 cm.

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Each plate well repel a special hammer. Beat the meat is necessary on both sides. The harder you discourage it, the better it fry thoroughly.

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

All repulsed pork plates fold into a clean a plate, season with salt and liberally sprinkle with spices. You can add a little yogurt, if desired. Because of this meat is better promarinuetsya and is tender and juicy.

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Meat set aside to the side, and in the meantime be engaged in the preparation of the cheese batter. For this purpose, a separate plate is necessary to connect the beaten eggs, grated cheese, flour and mayonnaise. More detail recipe cheese batter, you can look at our website.

Everyone chipped piece of meat must be thoroughly dipped in cheese batter and fry in a pan on both sides.

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Chops in cheese batter fried in minimal heat and under the lid closed. Otherwise the meat will be hard. Moreover, the spread of pork in batter needed on a well heated pan, otherwise the meat will stick to the bottom. Ready pork chops are served to the table hot.

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Meats, cooked recipe is so easy, it will not leave indifferent any of your guest. ????

Pork chops with cheese batter - how to cook pork chops in a frying pan, a step by step recipe photos

Serve pork chops with cheese batter better with fresh vegetables. And in combination with horseradish their taste becomes more spicy.