Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Today I want to share with kulinarka recipe tasty and easy to prepare dishes of green beans. From my photo processing steps-the-counter, you can learn how to cook unusual fragrant and tasty vegetable dish. Fried green beans cooked with garlic and breadcrumbs in butter. The finished dish turns out very delicious and nicely crispy.


Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos
  • asparagus beans - 500 g;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • breadcrumbs - 70g;
  • Garlic - 2-3 cloves;
  • Salt - 2 tsp..

How to cook green beans in a pan

To clean the green beans from adhering to it the sum of its ground in a deep bowl, fill it with warm water and give it to stand five to ten minutes.

While the beans soak, we can prepare garlic. Clear the garlic cloves and cut them into small cubes.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

After that, each pod of beans is well washed hands.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Then, using a knife to cut off the tips of pods.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Normally, to speed up the process I take five or six of the same along the length of the pods, put them on a cutting board and cut off the tip in one fell swoop at once in a few. Next, the beans we need to cut it into pieces. Long pods cut into three parts, and the smaller pods cut in half.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Sliced ​​green beans you need to boil for two minutes in boiling salted water. Try not digest the beans, otherwise it will not turn crispy.

While bean pods are boiled, we need a frying pan melt the butter.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

green beans take out with a slotted spoon and spread of boiling water in a pan with heated oil.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Add to the pan with the garlic and beans, fry for two minutes on high heat.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Then pour into the pan bread croutons. Try to pour so that the crumbs are not lost lumpy and distributed across the surface of the pan.

Together with the breadcrumbs, stirring constantly fry green beans still, literally, two minutes on medium heat.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Fragrant and crispy fried green beans ready.

Green beans in a pan - how to cook a delicious green beans, a step by step recipe photos

Just lay it on the a la carte dishes and serve consumers in hot form as a separate dish or as a side dish to meat or fish. Enjoy all the meal!