Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

Prepare a delicious ice cream on their own, without any special equipment and skills, absolutely real. Its cost is much cheaper to store unique, and in addition, we get a completely natural product. Today I tell you how to cook delicious homemade ice milk. My simple steps decorated photos recipe will demonstrate the preparation of this refreshing dessert.

General recommendations

Most recipes call for whipping cream, which is not always at hand at the mistress, therefore, I propose that express a variant of preparation: it is possible to manage one's milk. But if you want more fat ice cream with a uniform texture is better to take it in half with drinking cream.

In the role of thickener and antikristallizatora at home using egg yolks. Eggs need to pre-wash thoroughly with soap and water. The remaining proteins can be stored in the refrigerator for several days or freeze up to demand.


  • milk with a maximum fat content of - 0, 5 l;
  • cream 15% - 0, 5 l;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. (250 ml);
  • vanillin - 0, 5 g;
  • corn starch - 1 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • butter - 100 g;
  • yolks - 5 pcs.

How to make milk ice milk home

In a saucepan, which will brew a basis for ice cream, combine the egg yolks with the dry ingredients. If you do not have cornstarch, potato safely replace it, just dial a spoon without slides.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

triturated contents whisk until smooth, adding 100 ml of milk.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

Put in a saucepan to boil the cream with the remaining milk and oil.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

A thin stream, stirring constantly and vigorously, pour the boiling mixture into yolk mass. Ship pot on the stove and cook the mixture at medium heat.

stirring constantly, bring the cream to a boil. As soon begin to appear the first bubbles, remove the pan from the heat.

We need to get a lot of consistency of condensed milk.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

Next, the custard should be cool and act according to the instructions for your ice cream maker. That it will provide consistency of store goodies to which we are accustomed from childhood.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

If you do not have ice cream, and eat homemade ice cream like, I propose to use the following algorithm. Ostuzhennoy to room temperature, ice put in the freezer for an hour. Then we get it and beat with a mixer, a blender or a whisk. It is necessary to destroy the image of ice crystals. Otherwise, instead of ice cream at the exit turn milky ice.

Again, put the ice cream in the freezer. Repeat the operation with whipping twice at intervals of 1 1, 5 hour. After the final mixing spill ice cream on the forms.

As you can see, freezer greatly facilitates the process of cooking. Yes, and it will pay for itself in one season.

As a result of all our activities we get a fragrant homemade vanilla ice milk.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

The only negative of the homemade desserts - it melts quickly store, because there are no stabilizers and emulsifiers.

Homemade ice cream with starch - how to make ice milk at home, step by step recipe photos

But it is also consumed almost instantly. ???? You delicious masterpieces!