Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

Ualibah - is Ossetian pie with yeast dough cheese. This is one of the most popular cakes in Ossetia, which are prepared in every home and on every occasion. Today, you can order them, or buy ready-made. And I'll tell you how you can cook them in the kitchen, which would have pleased all households real home Ossetian pies. All the subtleties of winemaking Ossetian pies with cheese demonstrates my step by step recipe decorated with photos.

To prepare the dough:

  • 1 cup (250 ml), warm drinking water;
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of granulated dry yeast;
  • 30 ml of vegetable oil fragrance;
  • 1/4 teaspoon fine sea salt.;
  • 520-500 grams of flour extra or in / s.

To prepare the cheese filling:

  • 700 grams soft cheese suluguni (originally used Ossetic cheese);
  • 1 cup (250 ml), 26% -30% of sour cream;
  • 1 tbsp. Spoon with a hill of flour;
  • green coriander or parsley;
  • 60 grams of salted butter (use for lubrication).

How to bake ualibah with cheese and herbs

Yeast dough for pies Ossetian

And so, to prepare the Ossetian pie, head of the dough with yeast. In high pot or bowl Pour yeast, fill them with water (t = 38 ° C). Mix with a spoon / whisk until then, until they completely dissolve in water. Then add salt, pour oil, flour and gradually introduce the batch start. Knead the dough into a smooth ball collect, which are stacked in a bowl, cover it tightly wrap and kept warm 55-60 minutes. During this time, it will fit.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

When the dough has come, divide it into 6 equal parts, which are forming rolls and into balls. We put them on the work surface with flour and cover with foil. We reserve so for 20 minutes to rest.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

Toppings for Ossetian pies with cheese

Cheese need to grate and mix it with sour cream. At this stage, you need to try it on the salt. If the cheese was not too salty, it is necessary to add a little salt to the cheese filling is gained fresh shade. Then add the flour and mix it all.

The main part of the filling is ready. At this stage it is possible to add the chopped herbs if desired.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

Forming and bake Ossetian pies ualibah

Preheat oven to 220 ° C.

Take the first ball of dough and stretch / mash it in a layer of the working surface with flour, but not thin. Somewhere 8-9 mm in height is obtained one layer. The evenness of the circle is quite important. In the center of the resulting cakes put 1/6 of the filling.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

Now, collect the dough edges to the center and close all connect / glue.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

Then, very carefully unroll the resulting preform, but not too push the dough to not push it. Shift the first pie in the dry form and the center hole is pressed with a finger. Bend the forefinger and bend between the second and third phalanx of the index finger, press the center.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

submits the form with the workpiece in the oven and otpekaem cakes 4-6 minutes. Baking time depends on the oven. Lubricates cakes with melted butter, keep one more minute in the oven and take out. So do all the other ualibahami.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

While I dopeklo all Ossetian pies with cheese, before a photo session only survived the last three.

Ualibah cheese - homemade pies Ossetian how to cook Ossetian cheese pie, with a step by step recipe photos

This is not surprising. Raznosyaschiysya for home fragrance finished baking will not leave anyone indifferent.

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