Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Georgian chakhokhbili Chicken - Succulent and this thick soup or stew of chicken, spices and tomatoes, very close in taste to Hungarian goulash. The dish is very fragrant, tasty and very versatile as blends absolutely with any garnish. Classic chakhokhbili cooked to taste, focusing on the preferences and the season. In winter, you can replace tomatoes juice, add fresh-frozen instead of fresh greens. But in the summer in a dish add only fresh tomatoes, herbs and pepper. Step by step recipe decorated with photos in detail demonstrates the preparation of this popular Georgian dishes.


Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe
  • hops-suneli - 1/2 tsp..
  • chicken thighs - 4 pcs .;
  • parsley - 15 g;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • coriander - to taste;
  • onions - 2 pcs .;
  • grains of fenugreek - to taste;
  • Coriander - 1/2 tsp .;.
  • black pepper - to taste;
  • hot sauce - 1 tsp..

How to cook chakhokhbili Georgian home

Cooking meals start with the preparation of chicken meat. First, you need to carefully rub the chicken thigh meat with salt and leave for 10 minutes to marinate.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Preheat a skillet in a little vegetable oil and send it back to brown the chicken thighs. Before that, the meat should be thoroughly pepper.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Roast chicken need from both sides liberally sprinkled with spices - seeds of fenugreek, coriander and a mixture of hops-suneli.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Onions cut into half rings.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Add the onions to the chicken thighs. Simmer all together for 20 minutes.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Add to chakhokhbili thick tomato juice and hot sauce. Also, you can add the paprika. In summer, it is best to use fresh tomatoes instead of juice. When the sauce has thickened tomato - the dish is ready to feed!

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

It remains to add a bit of green cilantro with parsley and aromatic chakhokhbili Chicken ready!

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Serve hot and stands together with sauce in which the meat and tushilos.

Chakhokhbili Chicken in Georgian - how to cook chakhokhbili at home, step by step photo-recipe

Chakhokhbili Georgian is a universal second chicken dish for any garnish. Such delicacy is combined with both rice and potatoes. An hour of time, and - rich meat dish is ready!

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