Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Banal truth: often what for some is unthinkable exotic, others have long been in the liver sits. This also applies to the culinary matters: the Japanese for thousands of years routinely choke raw fish with rice, and we delight in front of a puddle spreads have become trendy sushi rolls. Or, lo, Mexican shepherds dumped into the cauldron all that was at hand - meat, beans, vegetables, - filled with water and hung over the fire, so in time for the end of their pastoral work day all to the desired degree uprelo. Normal tight cowboy dinner ustatku - and we have one name drool dripping: "Ah, chilli con carne!".

Yes, today we are going to cook almost classic chili con carne, simple, hearty, but very tasty food folksy Mexican cowboys. Recipe, almost authentic! However, in the absence of fire and boiler use multivarka and nepodsilny for the Russian stomach burning chili peppers partially replace the sweet paprika.

Chili con Carne or just chilli - a thick soup or stew meat (carne - meat), what some beans and lots of vegetables with the obligatory presence of pepper (chilli). The meat can be taken anytime, even a bird, but it is considered a classic beef.

For our most classic chili con carne need:

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos
  • beef - the flesh, about 0, 5 kg;
  • dry red beans - 1 cup;
  • onion;
  • carrots;
  • celery stemmed;
  • celeriac;
  • pepper (can be frozen);
  • eggplant (can be dried);
  • asparagus beans (can be frozen);
  • vegetable oil;
  • corn starch;
  • coriander, cumin, sweet pepper, hot pepper - to taste.

How to cook the chili con carne at home

The proportions of vegetables quite arbitrary, fresh vegetables can be replaced with ice-cream (not necessarily to thaw) or dried (pre-soak should be).

Because beans are prepared for a long time, we start with the beans. Red beans is desirable to soak for several hours (preferably overnight), at times changing the water. You can do without soaking, but then have to cook longer. In any case, it is first poured red beans with hot water, brought to a boil and boiled for 10-15 minutes. After the broth is poured, the grain is thoroughly washed, re-pour the boiling water and cook until done already at low boil for a long time. Cooking time depends on the type of legumes such as black beans boiled in general 8-12 hours, a white bean - an hour and a half, the red, we will cook 2 hours multivarka on Beans mode.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Dried eggplant soaked in lukewarm water.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Beef, where possible, be exempt from the connective tissue and cut into quite large chunks of the size of a small walnut.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

In the hot vegetable oil, meat is fried until crisp to juices were sealed inside.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Grilled meat take out with a slotted spoon or kitchen tongs to all the fat left in the pan.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Put the meat in a semi-beans and continue to cook for about an hour - until the moment when the beef is tender and beans almost cooked.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Carrots and celery root cubes shinkuem. Instead of celery can be taken other "white roots" - parsnip, parsley, leeks.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

stalked celery and onions cut into small cubes. Instead of bulb you can take any other bow down to the salad varieties.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

In the remaining meat from the frying fat fry vegetables, starting with a solid - carrots and celeriac.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

As soon as the previous batch of vegetables grab, shovel them aside and lay the following. The second tab is the onion and celery stemmed.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

When the pan is laid in a fresh or frozen pepper, you can switch the stove over medium heat and more vegetables rather than fried as pripuskayut in large numbers escaping juice.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

After the green beans add tomatoes or tomatoes. Frozen Cherry simply pour into the pan, and when they begin to thaw, mash them spatula.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

The last lay soaked eggplant and pour the water in which they got wet.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Give the vegetables together to extinguish a few minutes under the lid and turn off the fire.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

When the beans and meat boiled down until soft, it's time to lay out in the pan and continue stewing vegetables on the small fire. And we do collect refueling of spices.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

In addition to the mixture of peppers used to flavor chili coriander and cumin seeds (cumin).

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

We grind the spices in a mortar, add the dry and sweet paprika to taste some of the hot pepper (bitter, chili, cayenne).

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Chili con carne different from other varieties of stews that it has a lot of sauce, thickened with starch, are best - corn. Tablespoon starch stir in a small amount of cold boiled water to no more lumps.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Pour the mixture into the pan of spices, salt.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

Pouring diluted starch, stir gently to chop all the ingredients retain their structure and shape as possible.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

An indispensable component of chili con carne - garlic. It is desirable not to push and chop with a knife or a special grind mills are quite large.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

We spread the garlic, stir, turn off the fire - our meal is ready.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

stew or thick soup chili con carne eating piping hot sprinkled with fresh herbs.

Thick soup Chili con carne - how to cook a classic chili con carne, step by step recipe photos

This is Mexican food is very satisfying, high-protein meat and beans, vitamins and fiber, but not too rich in calories and easy to digest. The perfect choice for those who lead an active lifestyle and watching their weight.