Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Easter table is usually replete with a variety of festive snacks and dishes, not least of which are the Easter cakes. We offer you to fill piggy bank Easter recipes and bake very tasty and easy cake without yeast, which in my book is written as a prescription juicy Easter cupcakes in tins. The main distinguishing feature of the prescription that the dough for cakes, we will without yeast and milk, but with soda. The oven can be both conventional rail and in silicone molds. Step by step recipe decorated with photos demonstrates the preparation of a very tasty and simple cupcakes for Easter.


Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • wheat flour - 1 cup;
  • chicken egg - 3 pieces;
  • butter - 150 g;
  • raisins - 1 handful;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • baking soda - 0, 5 tsp;.
  • vinegar (9%) - 1 tsp;.
  • powdered sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sprinkling confectionery.

How to bake Easter cake tins in the oven at

Since cooking, dried raisins soaked in boiling water, and then, at its obsushivayut woven towel. After that, the host for the kneading. In a suitable size container saharok all fall asleep. Add to it the oil, which at the time of implementation of the Passover recipe should be in the soft state.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

grind ingredients to dissolve the sugary grains. Now, one by one, trying to drive the oil mass of eggs. To knead the dough for cakes using only 2 eggs. The remaining will be used to glaze. The ingredients were mixed.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

The egg-oil mass prepared by introducing the raisins and stir again.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Fall asleep flour and a pinch of salt. Do not forget to add zagashennuyu soda.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Well knead the ingredients. Simple without yeast dough for Easter cakes ready. Turn the oven temperature parameters expose 180 degrees.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

dough with raisins distributed over several formochkam or use a capacious form of cupcakes.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Bake cakes in the oven, about 45-50 minutes. If the top will be burnt, cover with baking parchment.

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

After removing the muffins from the oven, cool slightly and orderly form of extract. Cover glaze whipped with powdered sugar protein. Easter baking powder on top of the culinary colored decorations (grit).

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

Simple cakes without yeast and milk are ready. Bon Appetit!

Easter cake-cake with soda without yeast and milk - how to cook cakes in tins in the oven, with a step by step recipe photos

This Easter cupcakes in tins - a great option if you need to make a cake for baby baskets, or if you, for whatever reasons, are not suitable yeast pastries. After all, he is not only beautiful, but also has a very pleasant and unique taste. And of course, a delicious Easter cake without yeast, replacing protein simple glaze with powdered sugar, can be baked as a dessert on the weekend. After all, preparing it is very simply and quickly.

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