Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Today to "work" with chicken thighs. This gastronomic product deservedly won at Cook add their popularity. There is quite a large variety of very different ways "in the" use this part of the chicken carcass. And our recipe - it is simple to prepare and delicious baked chicken thighs marinated. Before thighs baked in the oven, you need to pre-soak them in the marinade, whose composition is very simple: all the mayonnaise and the most usual (classical) soy sauce. Step by step recipe decorated with photos showing all the important stages.


Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos
  • chicken thighs - 5 or 6 pieces;
  • soybean (classic) sauce - 50 ml;
  • mayonnaise (can be any) - 3 tbsp. boxes .;
  • salt - a small pinch;
  • ground pepper - optional;
  • sunflower oil - 1 tbsp. spoon (to form).

How to bake the chicken thighs marinated in soy sauce and mayonnaise

Preparation begin with, the selected chicken parts - thighs - send them rinsed under cool water. Then, the washed obsushivayut chicken pieces using a paper towel and spread into the deep tank (bowl).

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Next, proceed to marinating the thighs. But our mayonnaise and soy marinade is not necessary to mix in a separate container. We will do everything in one bowl. Therefore, first spread to the prepared mayonnaise chicken pieces (take the one that is available in your fridge or someone you love).

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Next Top up with soy sauce.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Very little is thrown in a bowl of salt to the ingredients, but you can still throw and a pinch of ground black pepper.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Take a good component of the future mix of baked dishes and covered with a lid, put about an hour to marinate in the refrigerator thigh.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

The time has come - prepare for roasting thighs form. First, the bottom of the form should be a little fluff oil. After that, just fill the form marinated chicken thighs, putting them side by side tightly. Cover form suitable sized piece of foil and transfer it (shape) in preheated duhovochny cabinet, which by this time has to be heated to 220 degrees.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

minutes and so after 40, the mold is opened (remove foil) and returning for browning baked slices in the oven for another quarter of an hour.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

This is such a beautiful and juicy chicken thighs marinated in our process of baking out.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Serve as the second with any garnish. I love mashed potatoes. ???? And if it's a hot charcuterie at the holiday table, it is possible to separately prepare a baked potato.

Chicken thighs in the oven - how to cook the chicken thighs in mayonnaise and soy sauce, a step by step recipe photos

Help yourself to health and do not forget to share the recipe! ????

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