Affordable 2019 New Year's menu - no idea what to cook for New Year 2019, tasty and inexpensive, a menu should be in the Year of the Pig
In recent years, the traditional Christmas customs (Santa Claus, gifts, Christmas tree, candle) intricately interwoven elements of Chinese mythology Horoscopic celebrate the New Year according to the lunar calendar. Here and now, on the eve of the holiday, all the people involved in this game, start to discuss the question of how to earn the favor of the mythical Yellow Earth Pig, patron coming in 2019 that she had brought to the house of health, happiness, love and wealth. First and foremost, the hostess thought: what food should be on a festive New Year's table and a menu for the New Year 2019 to make?
New Year - this is a wonderful, mystical little holiday that many are celebrating at home. Of course, someone dreams and about the gala dinner in the restaurant! But many of us would like to simply and comfortably spend the night at home with the people closest to the table, cluttered with loved ones and mouth-watering dishes. So often, we try to make a restaurant, a home simple, easy and affordable, but it is necessary, in this case, the original, very tasty and delicious New Year's menu. If you want to celebrate at home, it's time to create your list of dishes, choosing the right for you Christmas recipes 2019.
Hot and cold snacks in the New Year's menu,
Pig - omnivorous animal, therefore, the only limitation on the selection of food can only be ethical plan: meat dishes is not necessary to cook pork. Therefore, the traditional jellied pork legs replace aspic of chicken or oxtail.
you can make to your holiday menu for the New Year 2019 delicious home saltisons Chicken. Available on the site step by step recipe photos will show you how to cook this dish is easy to digest in multivarka. This cold appetizer perfectly fit into a festive family dinner, organized for a meeting of the year of the Pig.
Another, quite cheap for incoming ingredients but very tasty and delicious dish for New Year's table - chicken stuffed pancakes with meat. As can be seen from the photo, on New Year's table so cold snack will look very impressive.
And two dishes that I can not propose to include in the list of New Year's snacks. This delicious meat terrine of chicken with mushrooms and peppers.
And a unique taste, delicious and delightfully tender liver casserole with beets.
drawing up a list of hot appetizers, suckling pig with horseradish replace delicious lamb leg baked in the oven.
In this part of the New Year's menu will suit as well, oven baked goose or duck with apples. Excellent fit and stuffed whole chicken porridge. Step by step recipe decorated with photos tells in detail how to remove from a chicken carcass bones.
By the way, the pig likes porridge, so the dishes prepared from rice, buckwheat, corn or newfangled bulgur, must be present at the table. This may be a traditional pilaf with lamb or rabbit, and can be quite an unusual dish - delicious pilaf with chickpeas and chicken.
For vegetarians and observing Advent, suitable recipe vegetable pilaf with mushrooms mushrooms.
If your New Year's menu and have to include meatless meals or you just love the fish, be sure to list the mackerel baked in the oven with onions and tasty rice side dish.
preferably in a New Year's menu will be dishes from legumes, for example, the Georgian lobio of red beans.
Other simple and delicious recipes for hot and cold appetizers, you can choose your own in the relevant sections of the site.
New Year Year of the Pig in salads
The color scheme of the holiday table should be bright and cheerful, with the dominance of yellow and orange. The set of multi-layer salad of yellow fruits and vegetables - peppers, corn, pumpkins, bananas, citrus fruit, with eggs and cheese, mushrooms and nuts, decorated with funny pigs - a symbol of the year 2019 - from boiled eggs and Piglet from doctoral sausage, carrots or hats mushrooms and eyes like black olives make a colorful still life table.
In view of oriental motifs the holiday table, good supplement New Year's menu what some oriental dishes. You can be prepared, for example, sought a bright and showy Korean salad with Funchoza and vegetables.
or light salad Chinese cabbage, for example, mayonnaise salad with chicken, Chinese cabbage and croutons.
And be sure to include in your menu for the New Year 2019 are available, but unusual and original dish for us - Arabic salad tabbouleh with bulgur.
Some of the above proposed simple and light salads, by the way, will be an excellent replacement for traditional salad "Olivier" to observe the fast. In the year of the pig ground not forget about peanuts - peanuts. Add it to salads or just put on the table in a beautiful platter.
Baking and desserts for the New Year 2019
And of course, thrifty animal appreciate homemade cakes, fun and creatively executed, for example, in the form of rolls in the form of pigs with a stuffing-surprise inside. Suggestions below will help video recipe to bake your own home these cute piglets with a surprise.
How to bake an unusual, beautiful and delicious Christmas cookies in the form of pigs from the dough, check out this video.
If you want to bake a cake, you can use this video-recipe and cook the cake "Little pigs in the mud."
Reach to the decoration of the table, to the preparation of the Christmas cakes and desserts children and cook with them fun goodies in the form of a mascot of the New Year 2019. Your malyshnya will be delighted.
Drinks New Year table to
Christmas desserts and drinks, too, should be bright. Of alcohol - it can be champagne, liqueurs, cognac and whiskey. From soft - a variety of juices and homemade drinks. Be sure to take care of and that was on the table a lot of tangerines, which symbolize wealth and success. And finishing post about New Year's menu in 2019, I want to offer two videos anywhere kulinarka hostess will present its test menu for New Year's table, and show in detail what and how they will prepare a special dinner at home. The first video with recipes from an experienced author Zhanna Reshetitskaya.
And secondly, it demonstrates the author Marina Mikhina delicious recipes
Well, that's all ideas about what to cook for New Year 2019 tasty and inexpensive, we were able to fit in this post. We hope that when you come to this point, you already know exactly what the menu should be in the Year of the Pig is on your desk. ???? I am sure that all consumers will be delighted if you are at least partially included in its list of available and demonstrated here is very delicious, using design ideas. Undoubtedly, your New Year's dinner is exquisite and unforgettable and festive menu on New Year's Eve 2019 will not only simple and inexpensive, but also exclusive, original and most-delicious. Happy New Year!