Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Today pasta with canned tuna, cream and tomato juice is great variety to the daily menu, will make lunch or dinner a hearty and helpful. Cook it will be pasta, spaghetti. Dish proteins rich in saturated fatty acids and carbohydrates that are essential for daily balanced nutrition. Prepare such delicious spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce possible in just 15 minutes, with step by step photo processing, recipe, creation of second course will be not only fast but very easy and enjoyable!


Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos
  • onions - 12 pcs .;
  • flour - 30 g;
  • sweet pepper - 1/2 tsp .;.
  • Spaghetti - 250 g;
  • spices - to taste;
  • tomato juice - 100 ml;
  • Tuna - 1/2 cans;
  • cream - 25 ml;
  • Garlic - 1 clove.

How to cook pasta with tuna canned, cream and tomato juice

For starters, you need to prepare for roasting vegetables. Peel the onion and garlic, wash and finely chop the spicy ingredients.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

sauté savory vegetables in butter until transparent and pronounced garlic flavor.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

While preparing the vegetables, you need to send the spaghetti to cook in the pre-boiled water. Boil the pasta according to the desired degree of softness and spaghetti varieties themselves. All the necessary information can be found on the pack.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Pour the fried vegetables with tomato juice or sauce is not thick. Simmer for about five minutes.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

add flour to thicken the sauce slightly, and - at this stage you need to pour the spices and salt (to taste), pour the cream.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Add the paprika and stir in tomato-cream sauce. Boil down to the desired consistency.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Add to the finished hot sauce already cooked spaghetti (dry), stir and hold the fire under the lid for one minute.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Add canned tuna.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

Shuffle and then the dish on the feeble heat for a few minutes, then remove from heat and serve. Bon Appetit!

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

A fragrant and delicious Italian pasta with tuna canned, goes well with vegetable salads, olives, capers, meat steaks and fish snacks.

Spaghetti with tuna canned in tomato-cream sauce - both delicious to cook spaghetti, a step by step recipe photos

The dish should be served very warm, then simple pasta will please not only tasteful, but also multifaceted tones aromatic spices, tuna, tomato and vegetables.

Another option how to cook delicious spaggeti tuna can learn from the video recipe.

Prepare a simple and very tasty main dish to whip up for dinner, lunch or feed the guests and you definitely can not go wrong in choosing.