What date Easter in 2021 - Orthodox and Catholic - the date of Easter in 2021

date of the celebration of Easter Orthodox and Catholics varies from year to year. And every woman needs to know in advance when Easter is celebrated in 2021. This year the Orthodox feast of the Resurrection of Christ in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia will be celebrated on 2 May. On the same day and celebrate the Greek Catholics. As a rule, the date of Easter for Catholics is different from the date of the celebration of the Orthodox. It happened at this time. Catholic Easter is celebrated in 2021. 4 April. Note that the Passover (Pesach) this year to the period from 27 March to 3 April.

What date Easter in 2021 - Orthodox and Catholic - the date of Easter in 2021

Why do so many people want to know in advance the date of Easter? Everything is explained very simply. People need to thoroughly prepare for the holiday. And, above all, body and spirit. Lent in 2021. Orthodox believers and Greek Catholics congregation begins March 15 and ends May 1. Believers stand post to cleanse the body, mind and soul. Post rigorous enough, but it can pass and untrained person, if it is to realize what he was doing.

What date Easter in 2021 - Orthodox and Catholic - the date of Easter in 2021

But the information, when they celebrate Easter in 2021, people need not only to do the final cleaning of the apartment. date of the holiday and you need to know in order to prepare delicious Easter curd, flavored muffins bake cakes, paint eggs and cook a variety of dishes for festive Easter menu. And yet, you need to collect Easter basket and go to the temple. Therefore, to prepare the Passover of Christ all family members, without exception, even the little kids. With this approach, in bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ, everyone will be able to not only relax, but also enjoy delicious traditional dishes.

In preparation for the holiday and you may need these items:

  • Why Easter dyed eggs in onion skins
  • Culinary traditions and customs of Easter
  • The traditional Easter ferrous salt or salt Chetvergova
  • A Brief History of the origin and celebration of Easter
  • Greeting Cards Easter Christ