Salad recipe with mushrooms and onions

The process of preparing this salad is so simple that you do not need from the special skills and knowledge. Guided by a recipe, everyone can accurately repeat and cook spicy salad with mushrooms, or any other species of fungi. Fast, easy, delicious and satisfying ...


Boil mushrooms in salted water 10 minutes the water is drained through a colander, give move moisture. Then cut them into strips medium sized shinkuem finely onions and greens, combine all together, dressed with oil, vinegar and spices. Mix thoroughly.

Salad recipe with mushrooms and onions

Useful dietary mushroom salad with onions ready! And yet, the mushrooms are perfectly combined with many products, such as potatoes, ham and cheese. As a filling, in addition This misleading us, often add sour cream.

Mushrooms are a source of protein, minerals and vitamins. In many years fungi are widely used as antibiotics and other drugs. Consuming meals, we need to know their properties, in this case about mushrooms is that mushrooms are especially recommended to consume substances in violation of obesity and metabolism.