Christmas Christmas trees of mashed potatoes
Potatoes are a favorite food for both adults and children. In the coming holidays, the best solution is to prepare that be tasty, simple and different from all the desirable potatoes. We offer a cook not a complicated dish with mashed potatoes, which will undoubtedly be a festive table decoration ...
In the beginning you need to cook mashed potatoes the most common and simple way, so that was very tasty and not get tired quickly. In short, you need to prepare a soft and gentle mash. - Do not know how? - Yes, it's quite simple: instead of water, you should add milk
The air mashed potatoes recipe on New Year's Day
Pre-Clean and wash the potatoes, you need to boil in salted water until tender. If vegetables are large size should be divided in half for quick cooking.
Discard the water through a colander, pour thereto warm milk calculation to 0, 5 kg of potatoes - 150 grams of milk, put 2 tablespoons butter - it softens the taste, add schopotku salts and whip until uniform.
At the exit, mashed should get noticeably thick, lump-free and resistant to the formation of mold. If you are uncertain as a result, it would be better to add the milk parts. Next, proceed to Preparation firs with stars on top.
Lay on a baking parchment paper. With confectionery pouch and a special nozzle extruded mashed into small and elongated cones with pointed tips.
We perform all this with the whole mass puree and ship in a preheated oven at 180 ° C and bake for 10-15 minutes until the mash surface starts to light covered browned crust.
In the process, while preparing sauce should cook asterisks from sweet pepper for our Christmas trees.
Cut stars out of pepper, as shown in the photos. It is important that the tip of the stars that will serve as a support to be substantially longer.
Preparedness, ispechonnye potato herringbone shift from the pan into a separate flat dishes and while hot to spread on their tip sliced stars sweet pepper.
The dish is an excellent decoration of your New Year's table and the Christmas holidays.