How to cook cheese

For skillful and experienced hostess cheese preparation process is not difficult. According to the idea, the way it is! For those who like to do things with their hands, believe me it is a mere trifle. And the main factor - it is the taste and the result is, in fact homemade cheese is much tastier than the purchase.

For maximum flavor and guided grandmothers recipe, milk is best to use a home because the fat content of the product should be as high as possible. Well, if it is not possible, then the suitable and shops, only buy with a natural fat content of more than 2, 5%

Home cheese recipe

In a large saucepan with a thick, pour the milk, add salt, as indicated in the composition of the ingredients, put on the stove to boil.

How to cook cheese

While the heated milk to whip all the eggs until smooth, which must be fresh

How to cook cheese

In the whipped egg mixture add sour cream, and high fat and mix thoroughly

How to cook cheese

In the meantime, as soon as the milk begins to boil and gradually climb, immediately add the mixture of egg and sour cream, pour our dairy product - Kefir and stirring constantly, bring to a boil. In the process, for about 5 minutes, the milk should begin to clot and serum was separated. This means that you must remove the pan from the heat

How to cook cheese

In the colander or impose special form a layer of cheesecloth and slowly throw out the contents of the pan. Giving the liquid to drain, about 10-15 minutes and then turn over.

How to cook cheese

On top of not much pressed down, impose something moderately heavy, and as such leave for 4-5 hours, and something and at night, in which the gap serum should completely drain

How to cook cheese

After a while, homemade cheese is ready and it can be eaten just the bread, sprinkle with ground red pepper. You can cook a variety of salads, cheese and used as various toppings.

A storage, it is desirable to place cheese in salty water solution and shift in a cool place.

How to cook cheese

cottage cheese - a step by step recipe

The most delicious and healthy curd can be cooked at home. Introducing detailed instructions and reveal the secrets of cooking energy source and storehouse of vitamins from milk and yogurt. Hurry found how to make cheese - the secret recipe ...

It is more difficult to cook soup, but to prepare based on milk and yoghurt cheese or cheese curds, and even at home - it is quite simply the most easy and always available.