Pasta with shrimp

Italian pasta - this dish is a favorite around the world. Pasta with shrimp has long ceased to be the only "Italian", in each country there is a lot of popular pasta recipes. The Russian pasta semi-finished products "Feathers" were to the liking more than the traditional "Spaghetti". And each family for sure, there will your recipe for them. Pasta - feathers with shrimp can be prepared based on an Italian recipe with the addition of Russian flavor - shrimp butter, for the bright taste.

To prepare the pasta with shrimp is best to choose large peeled shrimp, if you take 200 grams of untreated small, the shrimp meat paste will be very little. A dried spices for dishes should be coarse, it is best to chop the rosemary, pepper and thyme in a mortar alone.

    Italian pasta with shrimps and herbs

  1. First, you need to boil the feathers in salted water until half cooked (al dente - this should be a real pasta), dry them and put an even layer on a serving plate.
  2. In a deep frying pan or skillet to be prepared by melt butter and heated for 3 to 5 minutes. The oil should be warm and in any case hot.
  3. Raw peeled seafood must be cut. Each of them - in half, along the carcass. So, should have two halves. Cut the shrimp should be dropped into the oil and fry, stirring for 3 minutes more.
  4. In another frying pan with high sides need to heat the shrimp butter and add the salt, pepper, rosemary and thyme, and bay leaf (it then be removed from the dishes).
  5. It's time to collect the paste (feathers) with shrimp together: pasta must be carefully put c shrimps and pour oil. Before serving, sprinkle with fresh pasta is worth crushed spices including basil. Also, to the dish can be separately cook the sauce "Pesto" on the classic recipe.

Pasta with shrimp feathers slightly good in the form of heat, a combination of cooling and warm shrimp pasta gives a very interesting taste. Spices pasta with shrimp matched harmoniously, here it is not necessary to experiment, you can spoil the dish. There are variations of feathers with prawns with cream, tomatoes with ginger and even pears. But this recipe can be considered major. A shrimp butter enhance the taste, because the Russian frozen shrimp differ in taste from freshly Adriatic.

Pasta with shrimp

Spaghetti with prawns

If you really are a gourmet baked goods and seafood, enjoy a delicious and hearty meal, you should definitely try the following recipe of Italian cuisine with ripe tomatoes and all the basic ingredients.