Pasta carbonara
Popular around the world pasta carbonara - delicious Italian dish with slices of fried bacon, eggs mixed with cheese sauce, simply amazing, surprising simplicity and charms the taste. If you have a home spaghetti, bacon, eggs and cheese, then immediately proceed to the preparation of this unusual dishes from simple ingredients.
In different countries, carbonara pasta cooked in different ways. For example, in the United States added to white wine, in England, put the peas and sauce mixed with cream in Russia. Conventionally, none of the above examples is not provided. In the original, everything is simple, clear and without frills.
Italian pasta carbonara with bacon classic recipe
In a saucepan of salted water, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil, bring to a boil and the boiling spaghetti according to the instructions, about 7-8 minutes. Fold the pasta in a colander and leave some water for the sauce.
bacon Cut into small pieces, to lay out a deep bowl finely grated parmesan cheese, egg hammer 2, pour about 100 ml of water under pasta, salt and pepper. Whisking eggs, mix with cheese until smooth.
In a large skillet, heat the rest of the oil and fry the bacon over medium heat until light golden brown.
Not much perezharivaya bacon, put in a pan boiled pasta without any liquid.
slowly, stirring constantly contents of the pan, pour the cooked Sauce Carbonara of egg cheese mix and cook at moderate heat for 1-2 minutes.
Serve the pasta carbonara with bacon with fresh herbs, which can be added directly into the sauce or in the finished dish. And do not forget to sprinkle with grated cheese.
As you can see, spaghetti carbonara in the classic version is very easy to prepare. Feature dishes with simplicity and, of course, the taste. If desired, you can feel free to experiment, add other components and even cook pasta for another sauce with the other ingredients, and completely different taste.