Soup with green peas and meatballs

We are accustomed to seeing pea soup thick of ripe fruit, like a kindergarten, a little boiled or even in the form of puree, as a hearty lunch, which is able to replace the second. But there are many other options and ways in which to taste not inferior to the classic. As an alternative, we offer pea soup recipe of the young and green fruit, which we affectionately call the peas.

As you have probably noticed in the recipe there is turmeric. - What gives us this and why it is needed in the soup with meatballs and peas? And if at all possible without it? - Sure! Just keep in mind the soup with turmeric becomes more vivid and rich flavor, the dish becomes a useful and diet. Turmeric is an essential spice that enhances the properties of vegetables and makes them more fragrant.

How to cook a delicious soup with meatballs and peas

Soup with green peas and meatballs

The meat and onion mince through a meat grinder, mix with salt, black pepper and herbs.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

From stuffing shape meatballs round shape and small size.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

Cut the onion into small cubes, fry in a little oil, add turmeric powder and mix.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

Once the onions start up the juice, put it to the frozen peas.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

Pour a little more than a liter of hot broth and bring to a boil.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

Next, into the boiling soup with peas lower meatballs, reduce heat and continue cooking at a slow bubbling - 10 minutes.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

By the end of cooking, add the finely chopped parsley, a little salt, stir and turn off the heat.

Soup with green peas and meatballs

Ready pea soup with meatballs serve hot, pour into portioned plates, sprinkled with fresh chopped green onions.

Tips to the recipe:

- Before cooking frozen green peas are not recommended to defrost. For frying it is better to drop into boiling water and soup - directly into the broth, so it will be much tastier and vitamins peas preserved longer.

- Standard Time cooking pot of boiling water after 5-8 minutes, depending on the size of the grains and their quality.

- Mince for meatballs is better to cook at home, using two kinds of meat. Best meat for meatballs - lamb or beef.

- For viscosity meat, so that the product does not dissolve in the soup, you can add one egg and cook the meatballs with rice.