Salad with sausage and croutons
Among demanded everyday and holiday dishes include appetizers and salads. One of the most common is a simple salad with sausage, which is preparing as soon as possible at home. The recipe salad with smoked sausage is unpretentious to the products, you can use almost any vegetables, both fresh and canned. Taste a snack easily be adjust by itself and prepare original, hearty and inexpensive holiday dish.
Cooking time: 20 minutes.
To prepare original salad with impeccable taste, use only the choicest smoked, boiled-smoked and boiled meat products from trusted manufacturers. Due to the characteristics of the technology and used additives, each type of sausage has its own special, not like the taste of each other, allowing you to create unique salads with different taste qualities.
The recipe salad with sausage, corn and crackers
Loved by all popular salad with sausage has long become synonymous with the holiday feast, because such dish is prepared in every family, and served on many of the big celebration. After charcuterie has a high calorie content, which is especially important during the winter months. Upon request and for a variety of sausage can be replaced with chicken breast, ham, or boiled beef, and crackers for a recipe can be used as purchased, and baked in the oven at home alone.
Clear the pickles from the skin, cut into long, moderately thin cubes and gently squeeze from the brine.
The pre-cooked hard-boiled eggs and chicken ostuzhennoy clean from the shell with a knife and divide into long pieces.
Smoked sausage clean the film and cut into cubes just as well as pickles.
In a deep bowl, gather all the prepared ingredients: cucumbers, eggs, sausage, canned corn and crackers.
Add the chopped fresh green onions, season with the required amount of mayonnaise and sprinkle with a little salt.
Thoroughly mix all salad ingredients of sausage, marinated cucumbers and corn with mayonnaise, to shift into the refrigerator and allow to cool for at least 30 minutes.
To the original filing for the holiday table can be a snack to serve in various ways, for example, put in a flat dish in a special cooking ring.
Most popular this recipe acquired due to the ease of preparation and availability of products. Sausage has become an indispensable attribute of many dishes and many housewives began to add to salads. Hearty, tasty and delicious, as simple as possible in the preparation, it has become an alternative to meat, and many meats, which requires advance preparation.