A delicious recipe for banana cake

If you disappear bananas, they will certainly be used in baking. It is best to cook a delicious homemade banana muffins - natural sweet cake for afternoon tea. Banana cake recipe is so simple and takes very little time.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.

Only a few available products can be prepared in the home sweet cake of ripe bananas - a real treat for the whole family.

A delicious recipe for banana cake

In a deep bowl crush peeled bananas with a fork and set aside.

A delicious recipe for banana cake

Roasters, sugar and butter until light and fluffy state, add the eggs and mix.

A delicious recipe for banana cake

Sift the flour, baking powder by mixing it, and knead the dough uniform floor.

A delicious recipe for banana cake

Add chopped bananas and pour the batter into a baking dish or cake pan bread.

A delicious recipe for banana cake

Place in heated oven and bake at 180 ° for about 30 minutes until fully cooked.

Willingness is determined by usual cake with a toothpick: stick one half and remove, if the dough is not sticking to the toothpick, the cake is ready. Give a cake to cool, then serve.