Fresh fresh: tangerine mojito mint and raspberry lemonade - video recipes at home

Fresh fresh: tangerine mojito mint and raspberry lemonade - video recipes at home
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Fresh fresh: tangerine mojito mint and raspberry lemonade - video recipes at home

In the season of rain and cold, you can yearn for a hot summer, and

you can organize the summer house, and dress bright colorful

cocktails. Tangerine and raspberry mojito mint lemonade

will make even the most overcast day in the summer sun!

Superline and interesting recipes shared with us Alexey Yarin - master of the gastronomic art, and part-time chef Oyster's Bar restaurant.

Mandarin mojito

Fresh fresh: tangerine mojito mint and raspberry lemonade - video recipes at home

We offer a look at the classic mojito in a new way and to cook it with a tangerine. It is this citrus, combined with fresh mint and lemon juice to make a cocktail truly enchanting.

must: 300 ml fresh tangerine juice

80 ml of sugar syrup

10 g of fresh mint

50 ml lemon juice

400 ml of carbonated water

1 Mandarin

ice - on request

How to prepare:

1. Mandarin peel and divide into segments.

2. All the ingredients are placed in a jar and mix. If the mint is not on your beds, and from the supermarket, it should be washed. And then thoroughly dried. How to do it in 3 seconds without difficulty and problems, knows the host of "smart kitchen" Eugene Rybov. Watch the video!

Raspberry Mint Lemonade

Scrumptious lemonade with a twist of raspberry (sorry for the pun). The ideal option for noisy company, and for a quiet cozy warm evenings on the summer porch together.

It is necessary: ​​ 100 g of fresh raspberry puree (if you did not find fresh raspberries, boldly mash frozen berries)

70 ml lemon juice

100 ml of sugar syrup

10 grams of Peppermint

lemon half

few berries fresh raspberries (you can not add)

400 ml of carbonated water

ice - on request

How to prepare:

1. lemon halves, cut into thin rings. All the ingredients are placed in a jar raspberries resting at the end, and all thoroughly. You can add ice.